My dear young compatriots,
In my message to you last year, in similar circumstances,
shortly after our country’s challenging campaign at the Africa Cup
of Nations tournament in Côte d’Ivoire, I assured you that we
would return to winning ways.
Our brilliant qualification for the upcoming Africa Cup of
Nations tournament to be hosted by Morocco, is testimony to the
remarkable achievements of which, you, our talented and
courageous youth are capable, by dint of hard work and
On behalf of you all, I would like to sincerely congratulate
our brave Indomitable Lions and their managers. I urge them to
forge ahead this path, to continue bringing joy and pride to the
Cameroonian people and to set an example to our youth. The
Government, under my leadership, will spare no effort to give
them all the support they need.
However, I believe I should emphasize here, that the
positive momentum we are celebrating together today will bear
fruit only if harmony, solidarity and team spirit prevail within and
around the team. In this regard, I appeal to the sense of
responsibility of all stakeholders.
My dear young compatriots,
This year holds many challenges for our country, our people
and our youth. In my recent address to the Nation, I reviewed
the constraints awaiting us in our quest for progress.
Some of them stem from the international environment and
others from our country’s internal circumstances. I will not come
back on that.
On the same occasion, I also highlighted the commendable
efforts made by the Government to address these constraints and
to actively continue to improve the living conditions of our fellowcitizens, based on strong economic growth and the need to
maintain peace and security.
While the vast majority appreciated the sincerity of my
message, some pessimists chose to focus on the fact that one
thing or another had not been done, or had not yet been done,
disregarding the real and verifiable constraints I mentioned.
My dear young compatriots,
Let me assure you: Whatever the criticism, I will always
speak the language of truth to you.
And the truth is that, despite the multiple and complex
obstacles to our development efforts, we have achieved very
much together. Tremendous strides have been made in recent
years, thanks to our combined efforts and the unwavering
support you have lent me.
My dear young compatriots,
I know that, as with all young people worldwide, your
education and training mean everything to you. Understandably,
you are particularly concerned about your entry into the labour
Let’s talk about your training for a moment.
It is clear that, with each passing year, the training
opportunities are getting better and better in terms of quantity
and quality.
The school and university landscape continues to expand
and diversify with the establishment of new primary, secondary
and higher education institutions.
New specialized courses are regularly introduced in
government secondary schools and universities. The
professionalization of training curricula is ongoing in all types of
education systems to provide young graduates with the requisite
technical skills likely to facilitate their access to the labour
Similarly, through operational training centres, young people
without qualifications can learn a trade and find their place in
society. In this regard, I am delighted with the opening of the
Nanga-Eboko and Lembe-Yézoum vocational training centres.
Other centres are being built in various localities around the
I have also instructed the Government to fast-track the
setting-up of municipal employment offices, to provide optimum
support for young jobseekers.
Furthermore, the number of learners in Vocational Training
Centres of Excellence has increased significantly following the
reduction in tuition fees in these institutions.
My dear young compatriots,
No country is spared by the youth unemployment
phenomenon. Commendable efforts are ongoing to reduce it. To
this end, I have instructed the Government to establish a
regulatory framework to support the recruitment of first-time
This mechanism is intended to provide better support to
young people who have never had a job and to help them find
their first job.
The National Directory of Jobs, Trades and Professions has
also been set up with this goal in mind. It will help to consolidate,
analyse and disseminate information on available job
opportunities in our country.
Furthermore, the Government will continue to ensure that
training opportunities are as relevant as possible to actual labour
market needs, to prevent many graduates ending up
unemployed. Scholarships were awarded to hundreds of young
Cameroonians in 2024.
I have also instructed the Government to involve as many
young people as possible in preserving the environment and
combating climate change.
Such is the objective of the ongoing Green Jobs Promotion
Programme. It will ultimately help to create over ten thousand
jobs through income-generating activities in areas such as
sanitation, waste recycling and organic farming.
In the coming weeks, the contractualization of health
workers that I announced at the end of last year will be launched.
This initiative will spare thousands of young health sector
graduates from social insecurity and improve their living
As you can see, Government is actively developing
strategies and tools to reduce youth unemployment. Many
government services are being mobilized for this purpose and
substantial financial resources are allocated each year to achieve
this goal.
Believe me, I will not relent in the fight I have been waging
for years against unemployment, particularly youth
My dear young compatriots,
I want to assure you that public service recruitments will
continue. However, you know as well as I that, whatever the
Government’s determination and our country’s available financial
resources, these will never suffice to offer every young person a
job in the public service or in the private sector.
I can understand the frustration of many of you.
Unfortunately, this frustration leads some of you to wander off
the beaten path, and to go astray.
Others, in desperation, choose the perilous and devious
route of illegal immigration, with often tragic outcomes, as we are
And yet, as you know, paid employment is not the only
means to enter the labour market.
Other avenues exist. Once again, I urge you to explore
opportunities in sectors such as agriculture and livestock farming.
You should draw inspiration from the success stories of Samuel
Tony OBAM BIKOUE, who has established an agro-industry, or
the young TATA BAKARY, who now runs a large farming complex.
Let me remind you that you are definitely the most
technology-savvy generation. So take advantage of digital
technology to create self-employment opportunities and to
address the challenges of your time.
I would also encourage you to participate in the moral, civic
and entrepreneurial rearmament programme that the
Government has designed to strengthen your civic engagement.
My dear young compatriots,
I understand your legitimate desire to realize your dreams
and improve your living conditions. It is only natural that you
expect the Government to provide appropriate solutions to the
issues that are vital to your fulfilment.
This year, once again, our country will hold important
elections. This will afford those of you who meet the legal
requirements, the opportunity to freely exercise your civic duty.
When the time comes, it will be up to you to make your choice
responsibly, in peace and quiet.
Therefore, I urge you not to pay heed to the siren calls by
some irresponsible individuals. Do not let them use you to
achieve their evil plans of wreaking chaos in our beloved and
beautiful country.
Also, do not be swayed by the false and often unachievable
promises they try to lure you with.
For my part, I assure you that I will continue to stand by
your side in addressing the challenges you face.
Happy Youth Day to you all.
Thank you.
Yaounde, 10 February 2025